The Sound of Gravel

by Ruth Wariner

I just finished watching “Shiny Happy People’ on Prime and found it fascinating! So I was looking for an audiobook similar in its subject matter. I did a bit of digging and found the memoir “The Sound of Gravel”, downloaded it and started listening to it on one of my runs. I got lost in the story and ran 3km longer than I intended. I returned home and continued to listen to the book until it was finished. It was SO good. I listened to it all day.
Ruth Wariner writes of her childhood growing up in a polygamist family where the ONLY way for a woman to enter heaven was to have as many children as possible, even if there was no nourishing food, running water, and heat to raise them. I was so angry at Ruth’s mother when I was listening to this story for a number of reasons that I won’t list here for fear of spoiling the narrative. Although I was angry and frustrated for most of it, Ruth’s intellect, resilience, and courage made it indeed a story of heroism, the heroism of a child.

I’m Glad My Mom Died

by Jennette McCurdy

I most often listen to audio books or podcasts when I run- mostly non-fiction (except for Dune- Dune was perfect for training for a half marathon). So this time I downloaded “‘m Glad my Mom Died” , a memoir read by the author. As soon as I pressed play I was mesmerized. Yes, it is about the life of a child actor and her stage mother, but it is also more than that. It is a story about self discovery, honesty, and healing. McCurdy is with no holds barred writes about her eating disorder, her obsessive convulsive disorder, and just the simple loneliness of having a controlling, abusive mother of her only friend.

Her story is heartbreaking and gut wrenching. The brutal honesty of this memoir is emotionally impactful McCurdy skillfully conveys the childhood innocence with which she faces her abuse. 

I found her memoir so compelling I got home from my run and continued to listen to it throughout the day. If you love memoirs then this one is perfect . trigger warning for physical, sexual and emotional abuse, and very graphic description of bulimia.

Reflecting on 2020 and setting goals for 2021

Welcome, 2021!

Last week I reflected on my year of reading. The titles, the genres, the authors. Around March last year, I had to take the reality of my “COVID mindset” and my inability to focus into consideration and set a milestone much lower than I usually do at 50 books. As an English teacher and book blogger, this felt like a failure. This year, however, I am confident I can air higher than 50 soooooo I’m thinking 60?

So, what have I learned about myself as a reader?

  • I read more non-fiction (yay one of the goals I DID meet)
  • General fiction made up the bulk of my titles (mostly mystery and fantasy)
  • I included graphic novels.
  • A handful of audiobooks made my list (mostly non-fiction)


fiction-  Mexican Gothic (review to come) by Silvia Moreno Garcia

non-fiction- The Heart and Other Monsters by Rose Anderson

audible- Catch and Kill by Ronan Farrow

YA- Legendborn by Tracy Deonon

Graphic novel: Long Way Down based on the novel by Jason Reynolds artist Danica Novgorodoff 

Fantasy: The Ninth House by Leigh Bardugo(review to come) 

Reading goals for 2021

  • 60 titles
  • Increase Science fiction and poetry. 

I need your help, my fellow book addicts, please send me titles of your favourite Science fiction reads and poetry books (preferably contemporary!!!

What was your favourite read of 2020? What are your goals for 2021

Happy reading!

Too Much and Never Enough

by Mary L. Trump

Most of the audible books I download are nonfiction. “Too Much and Never Enough” is the second book I’ve downloaded regarding our “interesting” political leader to our south.

Honestly, four years ago, I had a weird fascination with American politics, but now I just find it all too exhausting. I was drawn to downloading this book because I listened to Mary Trump being interviewed and she seemed so extremely articulate and dignified I felt compelled to use this month’s free credit on Audible to hear her story.

Mary’s story is one of her own experiences growing up as a Trump. The account of her relationship with her father Fred, his descent into alcoholism and death is heartbreaking. Mary’s writing not only effectively conveys the love she had for her father she also convincingly presents the confusion with the circumstances surrounding her father’s death and the Trump family’s response to this death.

Yes, she talks about Donald, however not from (in my opinion) a political standpoint. She mostly talks about him within the context of the Trump family dynamic.

Mary Trump narrates her book. Her voice is easy to listen to, and I found it easy to focus on her story while I was working throughout my day.

The Fact of A Body

Audiobook the Fact of a Body

Written and Narrated by Alexandria Marzano Lisnevich

I run. My choice of listening when I run consists of a dog’s breakfast of musical choices (everything from monks singing Gregorian Chants to Heavy Metal) and audiobooks. A year ago I had a wonderful season of winter running where I listened to the entire Harry Potter series narrated by Jim Dale. It was a lovely season and so wonderful to revisit Hogwarts. The latest Audiobook I’ve listened to while pounding the pavement (and sometimes breaking snow drifts) is The Fact of A Body by Alexandria Marzano Lisnevich. This is a non-fiction tale of two crimes: one the murder of a young boy by Rickey Langely and the other story about the personal trauma of sexual abuse the author experienced at the hands of her grandfather. Now, this might sound like an awkward juxtaposition of narratives but it works and is impactful. This story is a mesmerizing yet a tough listen. My heart broke for both victims. However because Alexandria herself is recounting such a personal narrative, she brings with her emotion not only word choice but also in intonation. Alexandria’s voice is filled with such sadness and resignation and at times it was difficult for me to listen. And it undoubtedly took my mind off of accumulating those kilometers.

If you’re looking for an audiobook The Fact of a Body is one of the best I’ve listened to both in story and narration.